The aim of the Haven is to keep you up to date on all things AFL / Hawthorn from a statistical perspective.
The SQL database has over 4,500 games, stretching all the way back to the 2000 season!
Next game Mar 7th 19:40 vs Swa (@SCG) in 16 days.
Haven Crunch (Myrtle v3.01)
"Update" Fri Jan 17th, 2025.
The "User Guide" has been updated. Link added to menu.
Lots of bug fixes. Still too many to list. But generally the crunches seem to be working.
Crunches (v0.65); - added ladder columns; L5, S, and %2 (SA percentages). - option for simple add column. eg. ''{+DS}'' to add 'Days Since'. - can now add opponents and venues to column list. eg. Haw/C.
Myrtle GUI (v3.01); - fixed sorting of null column values. - hold alt button and click a column for simple bar graph. - added option to save current screen as .png. - finally worked out to hide the offscreen canvas!
To Do List; - column headers need to be constrained inside max column width. - fix save and load button. - general aesthetics of tables and graphs. - add description of column data to make tables more readable. - add user colour options. - more column selectors (only have team and venues at the moment). - fix margin parameters (not working properly). - column sorting for non-number (text) data.
"Parameter Legend" Thu Dec 19th, 2024.
Grouping (default is all games);
- 100G = 100 games for any team vs any opponent. - 10G/T = 10 games for each team vs any opponent. - 5G/VS = 5 games for each team vs each opponent. - 2G/HA = 5 home and 5 away games for each team vs each opponent. - D = by date, M = by margin, C = by Crowd; + forwards or - backwards.
General Parameters;
- Season; eg. 2024, 2000-2001, < 2010. - Rounds; eg. R5, R1-10, R<20 - Days of week; Mon: Fri:Tue (must have the colon ':'). - Months of year; Jul:, Mar:May (must have colon ':'). - Game Time; eg. 19:30, 15:30-16:30, <14:00 - Crowd; eg. 10k, 20-40k, >80k. - Margins (at end of quarters); eg. 0m1, -1m2, -6-6m3, >50m4 - Result; eg. W, L, D. - H/A; eg. H, A. - Venue; eg. @mcg, @VIC, @IS (interstate), @OS (overseas). - Shortcuts; COVID (not 2020-21). FINALS. !FINALS.
Versus Parameters (separated by 'vs' into team and opponents);
- Teams vs Opponents; eg. Haw vs VIC - Ladder finish; eg. 1-8th vs >8th - Breaks; eg. 6d vs >7d - HS (home state) / IS (interstate); eg. IS vs HS
4.1 Ladder Columns;
- you can add a column to the existing table; eg. '{ +DS }' - or completely reset the columns; eg. '{ T P W L D }'
- T = team - P = played - W = won, L = lost, D = drawn - PF, PA = point for or against. - % = percentage (PF/FA * 100) - PP = premiership points.
- C = crowd - OF = opposition ladder finish - WR = win ratio (takes into account draws). - S = streak. eg. W3, L2 - WLD = wins-losses-draws - L5 = result of last five games (can be any number); eg. W-W-L-D-W
- VN = venue - Y = year
- DS = days since - GS = games since - YS = years since
4.2 Ladder modifiers (doesn't work on all columns);
eg. 'C' = default value (for crowds this is the average) eg. 'C+' = maximum crowd eg. 'C-' = minimum crowd eg. 'C=' = total crowd eg. 'C%' = average crowd eg. 'C!' = % of played (not relevant for crowds).
4.3 Ladder Selectors;
You can narrow the selection for each column;
eg. '{ + vs Haw / C }' = average crowd for games vs Hawthorn eg. '{ + <15k / W }' = number of wins when crowds below 15,000.
"Database API" Tue Dec 10th, 2024.
Working on the AJAX interface so that we can Crunch the Database on the fly.
"Getting There" Fri Dec 6th, 2024.
Database going well. Just ironing out some kinks.
Started on the GUI. Converting the JAVA to Javascript. Which is a bigger task than I was expecting!
"And We're Back." Mon Dec 2nd, 2024.
To do list; - Re-build the database into MariaDB. Starting with 2000-2024. - Rewrite the GUI from Android Java to HTML Canvas / Javascript. - Make an AJAX interface.